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My name is Gilda and I am a certified Holistic Practitioner based in West London with over 8 years experience. I offer Shamanic Energy Healing, Reiki Healing, Tarot Readings, Chakra Clearing and Holistic Massage.


My goal is to help you feel better. Whether you seek clarity in decision making, relief from anxiety or depression, relaxation from chronic illness, or a deeper spiritual connection, I am here for you. I will hold space for you to clear the energetic "gunk", help you feel clearer and grounded. I provide a safe and nurturing space to clear energetic blockages. I am passionate about empowering people recognise and tap into their own power. 


Send me an email and I will be more than happy to help.



What to expect:

Sessions incorporate shamanic techniques to create space for you navigate your subconscious mind. I assist you in identifying the blockage and releasing. The consistent feedback I get is that these sessions are empowering and clients report feeling "lighter" and "more connected", enabling clients to take the next positive steps in their lives towards an enriching life. Each session is different and will be tailored for your needs.



Feel Centred

Gain Clarity 

Increased Positivity 

 Feel Grounded

Increased Motivation

Ease Anxiety 

Increased Self and Spiritual Awareness

Image by Kayla Maurais

Gain clarity

I use my own intuition as well as Tarot, Oracle Cards and a pendulum to help clients gain understanding regarding their personal situation and gain answers. Whether it is a love reading, career advice, family conflict, feeling stuck...I help my clients gain perspective and clarity regarding the challenges they face.

Please phone with a question in mind.

Peacock Feather

Remote sessions and in person

Shamanic Energy Healing identifies blockages stored within the physical and energetic body. This session can be experienced in person as well as remotely. Together we will look at unwanted patterns of behaviour, thought patterns and core beliefs driving the pattern you will clear. This session also includes cutting karmic cords, clearing outdated soul contracts and removal of any intrusive energy. During this session I will assist you in clearing unwanted patterns and creating space, to make room for what you do want. This session is really empowering and will help you reconnect to yourself and the magic all around us. This session can also be emotional as various emotions may come up as we work together to clear what is causing stagnation.


Experience relaxing Reiki energy healing session in clinic. Hands on or hands off options available upon request. Reiki promotes relaxation, increases a sense of mental and emotional clarity and rejuvenation. Reiki works well in conjuction with medication however, it is NOT a substitute for medication. Reiki is recommened   to decrease anxiety and pain, reduce fatigue and help reduce depression.

Back Massage

Holistic Massage 

Relax and unwind with a relaxing full body massage which may be combined with Reiki Energy.

Reiki Massage also available upon request


Chakra Clearing

Clear the mind and chakras, create space for positivity and clarity

Our chakras are part of our energy system. Over time the chakras may get clogged with heavy or negative energy. The more heavy energy we hold within our energy system, the more heavy energy we attract. Chakra clearing session is an energy system clearing and reset. This is a relaxing session that will leave you feeling lighter, empowered, feeling grounded and clearer on perceding issues. Watch the magic continue to unfold as the weeks go by after this session.

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Remote Office
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